Saturday, January 10, 2009

Terror, January 10, 2008

Terror does play on the mind of a seven year old especially after the November 26 Mumbai attacks.

Khyati has been learning about the seven biggest countries in the world, an order that I keep forgeting --- Russia, Canada, China, Brazil, USA, India, Australia --- in some order.

Today morning (most of our close conversations incidentally happen when we are in the car together, commute from school or tennis or other classes) she asked me about the top seven in terms of the number of terrorists --- I named Pakistan, Afhganistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, India, Indonesia.

I realized in a bit that her worry was about Gurgaon, where we live...she asked within India which were the states with maximum terrorists...I named Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and also told her that terrorists are bad creatures who could be anywhere.

Then came the clincher...``Are there any terrorists in Gurgaon.''

I said ``no.''

She asked, ``are ur sure.''

I said, ``yes.''

The last thing I want her little mind to worry about is some way I felt it would be a victory for these criminals if they also managed to scare Khyati, given the innumerable lives and families already destroyed.

Yet, the way militants are striking crowded areas, the packed Gurgaon malls can be a prime target.

I do hope what I told my daughter turns out to be true...

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