Monday, February 2, 2009

Time Management, February 2, 2009

Handling a kid with work requires some tough decisions.

For example, if it is pick up/drop time and an important client mail needs attention or deadline looms, it is never very easy.

On the one end could be a cranky or dissatisfied client and at the other the kid with near tears and worry in her eyes as she keenly awaits your arrival.

Technology, including GPRS mailing, helps a bit with cell phones allowing one to parry a client situation for sometime.

But, matters do need to be managed by the minute.

Keeping track of time becomes important in the midst of bunched up deadlines and kid schedules.

For example, I do not like to send an important document close to kid pick up time as it can get nervy.

Further, it is important to keep several time sources handy, without relying on any one: laptop, cell phone, table watches, car clock, at least one watch in the bath room, dressing room and bedroom.

One also has to account for traffic snarls etc.

A couple of years back the battery of my wall clock sank and it is not the best sight to see your kid waiting eagerly for you.

But, things do get better as kids begin to borrow their teacher’s/friends mother’s/coach cell phone to make calls and find out.

``Sid, where are you,’’ Khyati called the other day. ``The party is over, please come and pick me up right now.’’

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