Friday, February 27, 2009

Hugs and Kisses, February 27, 2009

For a young guy a kiss can mean a lot.

There was a time when I traveled quite some distance to meet a girlfriend. As my parents were against bikes and cars too expensive, I changed three buses, walked a bit in the heat to arrive at the residence of the pretty girl in question.

Then I took her out to the local market (no malls at that time) for chaat, walked her at her local park, praised her, her family and her dog expecting the big prize, the kiss in some corner for the efforts --- the girl of course thought she was doing a big favor still and sometimes refused, saying she was not in the mood.

So, one walked back, disheartened, hoping for another day and time.

Now of course I hanker for a kiss from Khyati (a different heart soothing feeling), who has been quick to turn it to her advantage --- perhaps due to some female genetic intelligence flowing down.

So, it is no longer easy to get a kiss from her, unless she wants to.

The other day she wanted me to wait another hour at a birthday party and promptly planted a kiss on the cheek. I complied.

Off late, at the park, she kisses from a distance to negotiate more time. I have been complying, but feel short changed.

The only time I get many kisses for free is when I drive fast --- she likes it, so do I, but given the current traffic situation, the occasion is not often, even if I take some risk.

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